Here is the QOV that took most of yesterday to complete. No long arming today. Simple piecing and a nap later.
North Carolina. Active quilter and long armer. If it’s scrappy I love it!
- North Carolina. An active quilter and long armer. Give me a quilt and watch it come to life as I stitch it!
Friday, August 28, 2020
Thursday, August 27, 2020
One More Comfort Quilt
And then the quilting on the QOVs will begin.
I have been working on some string blocks for mindless sewing and have amassed quilt a few. Only a few more colors and I will have a top to put together. Stay safe everyone! 🐸
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Two Pretties Today
These are the two I quilted today. The first one is all done by me.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Few More
I quilted one yesterday and one this morning. Only a few left to go before I start on the QOV tops.
This time blogger chose the back view first..... enjoy. Quilted using the HQ Pro Stitcher.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Learning Pro Stitcher
I have been forcing myself to learn HQ Pro Stitcher. I have mastered a multi point object like a heart and filling with different designs. It’s so cool!
I have a few more I will try to quilt using pro stitcher. 🐸
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Love Quilts
I delivered many love quilt yesterday. About half were ready for giving (washed and dried) and the other half needed binding. There are other quilters who are able to bind. Such a good feeling.
Blogger decided to arrange them and I am ok with that.
I quilted one yesterday and have another to quilt today, so I will be having fun in the studio after this posts. It is a rainy Saturday, perfect for piddling around in the studio. Have fun and stay safe! 🐸
Friday, August 7, 2020
Changes here at home
Recently my 14 year old granddaughter moved in with me. New school and no female kids who want to physically harm her. We moved her stuff in a week ago and are mostly settled. I still have a few things to get out of her bedroom. I have run around crazy getting her registered for school. Only one more form to get signed and turned in, a health assessment. This is required for all students transferring from out of state. Who knew! She will start school doing two days a week there and three virtually. This will last two weeks and then two weeks virtual. After this the school board will decide the best route to take based on one Covid 19 numbers. What strange times we live in...
On the quilting front I have been plugging along. Also doing a number of clean up projects in my studio. Here are a few finishes I recently finished.
This is my jelly snowflake quilt along. I will probably put on a border of some kind.