North Carolina. Active quilter and long armer. If it’s scrappy I love it!

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North Carolina. An active quilter and long armer. Give me a quilt and watch it come to life as I stitch it!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Quilty Hug Flimsy

The rest of those strips were made into four patches and the into 16 patches.

I didn’t have enough for a top only using them, so I cut up some 8inch squares.  Dang didn’t have enough. Well what if the green blocks go on the outside and another color on the inside.  Perfect and add a little border and here’s a quilt top ready to be quilted.  

I have quite a few tops that need quilting but I have not felt the best in the last few weeks.  Maybe the doctor can diagnose my issue.


  1. Very pretty top! I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Lovely top!! I hope you feel better soon, too!! HUGS - ;))

  3. Great use of scraps. Hope you feel better soon and can get quilting some of those tops.

  4. That really turned out nice. It will be a cozy comfort quilt.


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