North Carolina. Active quilter and long armer. If it’s scrappy I love it!

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North Carolina. An active quilter and long armer. Give me a quilt and watch it come to life as I stitch it!

Sunday, April 19, 2020


Sebastian, my loving lap kitty for many years developed cancer in his upper jaw and nasal cavity.  I made the decision to let him go.  I was not prepared for this but did the best I could.  I loved him so much!


  1. Oh, I am SO sorry to hear thst!! - I'm sending you a BIG HUG!!

  2. That is so sad. I'm so sorry for your lost. ♥ Consider yourself hugged. ;^)

  3. He looks like he was much loved. So sorry for your loss. This too shall pass and soon real hugs can come your way. Love and hugs, Jean

  4. I'm so sorry..I know what you're going through as I had to have my 17 1/2 yo put to sleep 12/23. So hard.

  5. I am so sorry. I know how difficult it is to let a loving companion go. But you know and I know that you did the right thing.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about your handsome boy. What a hard time to lose a beloved pet.


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